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Facial Bones

  • Ethmoid - forms part of the nasal cavity and the orbits; main support structure of the nasal cavity

  • Lacrimal (2) - contains foramina for the nasolacrimal ducts

  • Nasal (2) - form nasal cavitities

  • Hyoid - supports and provides attachment for the tongue

  • Vomer - separates the nasal cavities into left and right sides

  • Zygomatic (2) - "cheek bones", articulates with the frontal, maxilla, sphenoid, and temporal bones; attachment point for several muscles of expression

  • Maxilla (2) - bone into which upper teeth attach, contains a maxilary sinus that drains fulid into the nasal cavity

  • Mandible - only moveable facial bone, necessary for chewing food, bone into which lower teeth attach

  • Palatine (2) - forms bottom of the orbitals and nasal cavities, as well as the roof of the mouth; "hard pallete"

  • Inferior Nasal Concha (2) - form nasal cavities

Cranial Bones

  • Frontal

  • Occipital

  • Parietal

  • Sphenoid (2)

  • Temporal (2)


Cranial Sutures

  • Coronal Suture: between frontal and parietal bones

  • Lamboidal: between the parietal and occipital bones

  • Sagittal: between the two parietal bones

  • Squamus: borders the temporal bone and parietal bone


Bony Landmarks

  • Mandibular Fossa

  • Jugular Fossa

  • Carotid Canal

  • Mental Foramen

  • Orbits

  • Foramen Magnum

  • Inferior Nuchae Line

  • Superior Nuchae Line

  • Internal Auditory Meatus

  • Mastoid Process


Skull Fracture

  • Fracture to the skull, caused by direct trauma

  • Symptoms - pain, swelling, ecchymosis, obvious deformity

  • Diagnosis - imaging (x-ray, CT scan), observation/palpation

  • Treatment - referal to ER for treatment; can be conservative (rest, ice), or possible surgery to repair fracture

  • Prevention - protective equipment such as helmets

  • Athlete should rest until condition is resolved. 

Zygomatic Arch Fracture

  • Fracture to the zygomatic arch, caused by direct trauma

  • Symptoms - pain, swelling, ecchymosis, obvious deformity

  • Diagnosis - imaging (x-ray, CT scan), observation

  • Treatment - referal to ER for treatment; can be conservative (rest, ice), or possible surgery to repair fracture

  • Prevention - protective equipment such as helmets

  • Athlete should rest until condition is resolved. 

(Biel 2012)

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