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Brain Anatomy



  • Cerebrum: Responsible for motor function, sensory information, special senses, cognition, and memory

    • Frontal lobes: responsible for problem solving and judgment and motor function.

    • Parietal lobes: manage sensation, handwriting, and body position.

    • Temporal lobes: involved with memory and hearing.

    • Occipital lobes: brain's visual processing system.

  • Cerebellum: Responbile for balance, coordination, and smooth, synergistic muscle control

  • Diencephalon: Routing afferent info to appropriate cerebral areas, regulation of body temperature, maintaining homeostasis and emotional control.

  • Brain Stem: Regulates heart and respiration rate and controls flow of peripheral blood. 



  • Membranes that surround and protect the brain.

  • Dura Mater: Strongest, outermost layer; name literally means "tough mother". 

  • Subdural space: Separates dura mater and arachnoid mater

  • Arachnoid Mater: Resembles a spiderweb; middle and most fragile layer.

  • Subarachnoid Space: beneath the arachoid mater, holds cerebral spinal fluid. 

  • Pia Mater: Innermost layer that forms the brain's outer skin.

(Starkey 2010)

("Concussion" 2014)

("Picture of the brain" 2009)

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