Scalp Musculature
Masseter (Strongest muscle relative to its size)
Elevates and protracts the mandible; chewing
Origin: zygomatic arch
Insertion: angle and ramus of the mandible
Nerves: Trigeminal (V) nerve, mandibular division
Elevates and retracts the mandible
Origin: temporal fossa and fascia
Insertion: coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
Nerves: Trigeminal (V) nerve, mandibular division
Raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead
Origin: galea aponeurotica
Insertion: skin superior to eyebrows
Nerves: facial (VII)
Anchors and retracts the galea posteriorly
Origin: galea aponeurotica
Insertion: superior nuchal line of the occiput
Nerves: Facial (VII)
Fixes galeal aponeurosis
Auricular Muscles
Three muscles: anterior, superior, and posterior
Wiggles ear, can be trained to be stronger
Brow and Eye Muscles
Depresses eyebrows when frowning
Orbicularis Oris
Closes eyelids (squeezing, blinking)
Corrugator supercilli
Wrinkles forehead, draws eyebrow medially and inferiorly
Depressor supercilii
Depression of eyebrows
Muscles and Soft Tissue
(http://vulgaire.com/frontalis-muscle/) Retrieved Nov. 3 2014
Nasal Muscles
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Dilates the nostrils, elevates the upper lip and wing of the nose
Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostril
Depressor septi nasi
Depression of nasal septum
Muscles of the Mouth
Compresses the cheeks against the teeth and assists in mastication.
Orbicularis Oris
Closes mouth, shapes lips during speech and eating, protrudes the lips (kissy face)
Depressor Anguli Oris
Pulls the corners of the mouth down and laterally (frown)
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Depresses the corner of the mouth while protruding and drawing hte lower lip laterally (bares lower teeth)
Levator Anguli Oris
Elevates corners of the mouth
Levator Labi Superioris
Elevate and protrude the upper lip (Elvis lip curl)
Elevates and wrinkles the chin, as well as protrudes lower lip
Draws back angle of the mouth laterally.
Zygomaticus Major
Draws angle of mouth upward and laterally (genuine smile)
Zygomaticus Minor
Elevates upper lip and protrudes the upper lip
Soft Tissues
Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublignual Glands: Salivary Glands
Thyroid Gland: lymphatic tissue on the anteiror surface of the trachea
Cranial Aponeurosis: connective tissue bridging the frontalis and occipitalis muscles
(Biel 2012)