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Scalp Musculature

Masseter (Strongest muscle relative to its size)

  • Elevates and protracts the mandible; chewing

  • Origin: zygomatic arch

  • Insertion: angle and ramus of the mandible

  • Nerves: Trigeminal (V) nerve, mandibular division


  • Elevates and retracts the mandible

  • Origin: temporal fossa and fascia

  • Insertion: coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the mandible

  • Nerves: Trigeminal (V) nerve, mandibular division


  • Raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead

  • Origin: galea aponeurotica

  • Insertion: skin superior to eyebrows

  • Nerves: facial (VII)


  • Anchors and retracts the galea posteriorly

  • Origin: galea aponeurotica

  • Insertion: superior nuchal line of the occiput

  • Nerves: Facial (VII)


  • Fixes galeal aponeurosis

Auricular Muscles

  • Three muscles: anterior, superior, and posterior

  • Wiggles ear, can be trained to be stronger


Brow and Eye Muscles


  • Depresses eyebrows when frowning

Orbicularis Oris

  • Closes eyelids (squeezing, blinking)

Corrugator supercilli

  • Wrinkles forehead, draws eyebrow medially and inferiorly

Depressor supercilii

  • Depression of eyebrows


Muscles and Soft Tissue

Nasal Muscles

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

  • Dilates the nostrils, elevates the upper lip and wing of the nose


  • Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostril

Depressor septi nasi

  • Depression of nasal septum

Muscles of the Mouth


  • Compresses the cheeks against the teeth and assists in mastication.

Orbicularis Oris

  • Closes mouth, shapes lips during speech and eating, protrudes the lips (kissy face)

​Depressor Anguli Oris

  • Pulls the corners of the mouth down and laterally (frown)

Depressor Labii Inferioris

  • Depresses the corner of the mouth while protruding and drawing hte lower lip laterally (bares lower teeth)

Levator Anguli Oris

  • Elevates corners of the mouth

Levator Labi Superioris

  • Elevate and protrude the upper lip (Elvis lip curl)


  • Elevates and wrinkles the chin, as well as protrudes lower lip


  • Draws back angle of the mouth laterally.

Zygomaticus Major

  • Draws angle of mouth upward and laterally (genuine smile)

Zygomaticus Minor

  • Elevates upper lip and protrudes the upper lip

Soft Tissues

  • Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublignual Glands: Salivary Glands

  • Thyroid Gland: lymphatic tissue on the anteiror surface of the trachea

  • Cranial Aponeurosis: connective tissue bridging the frontalis and occipitalis muscles

(Biel 2012)

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